Multi-use Baskets

19 products
Picnic basket

Picnic basket

Picnic basket


Wine carrier

Wine carrier

Wine carrier for 4 bottles


Autumn basket

Big driftwood basket

Willow basket with driftwood rim.


Hunter:Gatherer basket

Antler basket

Hunter: Gatherer basket. Antler handle and woven with willow


Clothes basket

"REGALIA" clothes basket

Stout basket for dirty clothes


Harvest basket


A harvest basket just right for collecting fruit and veg, or carrying on the crook of your elbow.


Produce  basket


Useful basket


Garden basket

"Harvest" Vegetable Basket

Perfect basket for harvesting vegetabkes or flowers from the garden, or displaying them inside the house.


Banquet Tray

"Banquet" BIG Tray

Big Tray


"Ripple" Sculpture

NFS, commissions welcome.

Cane and Driftwood Basket

"Bustle" Cane Basket

NFS, commissions welcome
